Types of Guitars

guitar playing

Ultimate Guide to Types of Guitars: List with Pictures

If you want to learn to play guitar, it’s important you understand the different types of guitars.

There are a lot of types of guitars and each type feels and sounds different to play. Choosing the wrong type of guitar for your style of music can make it harder to learn and won’t sound right.

In this guide, I will walk you through all types of guitars and explain which types are good for beginners, styles of music suitable for each type, and more.

Once you read this guide, check out this Guide on Guitar Sizes so you can make sure you buy the right sized guitar for you.

If you want to learn guitar, check out the 8 Step to Learn Guitar here. The guide will take you from knowing nothing about guitar to playing your first full song.

Choosing The Right Type of Guitar

The right type of guitar for you depends on what type of music you want to play, the type of sounds you want to get from your guitar, and what you like the look and feel of.

As a guitar teacher, the worst advice I regularly see on what type of guitar beginners should get is “get a nylon string acoustic because it’s easier on your fingers”.

This is the worst advice for many reasons. The biggest reason it’s the worst advice is that it doesn’t consider what type of music you want to play.

Let’s say you want to play electric guitar so you can rip up some solos and play heavy riffs with thick distortion. A classical acoustic guitar is the worst possible guitar you could buy if that’s your goal.

The right type of guitar for you is one that matches the type of music you want to play.

If you want to play heavily distorted songs, get an electric guitar. If you want to fingerpick chords to accompany your singing, get an acoustic guitar.

As you go through this guide, think about each type of guitar and whether it suits the style of music you want to play.

While some guitars may be harder to play than others, there’s nothing worse than learning on the wrong type of guitar for what you want to play.

Type of Guitar: Classical (Nylon String Acoustic)

Classical guitars are also known as nylon-string acoustic guitars due to the fact they use nylon strings.

Classical Guitars
The above guitars are classical guitars. This type of guitar is acoustic, which means you don’t need to plug them in to play them.
The way to tell if a guitar is a classical guitar is to take a close look at the guitar strings:
Nylon vs Steel String Acoustic Guitars

The guitar on the right in the above photo is a ‘steel-string acoustic’. You can see that all six strings are made of metal. Four of the strings are wound in wire and the last two strings are a single wire.

The guitar on the left is a classical guitar. Three of the strings are clearly nylon, while the other three are nylon wrapped with wire. If you see a guitar with strings like this, it is probably a classical guitar.

All six strings on a classical guitar are made of nylon, but the lower three strings are wrapped in wire, so it only looks like three strings are made of nylon.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Classical Guitars?

As you might expect, this type of guitar is the main choice with classical music. Outside of classical music, classical guitars are used in a range of styles including folk, Flamenco, pop, jazz.

Classical guitars produce a mellow tone due to the nylon strings. You can hit the strings harder to produce a harsher tone, but the overall tone is soft and mellow when compared to other types of guitars.

Can Beginners Play Classical Guitars?

As I mentioned earlier, some guitar teachers insist that beginners should always start on classical guitars.

While this is bad advice for a lot of people, classical guitars are easier to learn on than other types of guitars.

What makes classical guitars easy to play is the low string tension and wide fretboard. The low string tension simply means that you don’t need to press down hard with your fingers to play a note.

This means your fingers are less likely to hurt in the beginning when you play a classical guitar.

While everybody gets past the sore fingers stage of learning guitar, learning on a classical guitar does make the journey slightly easier.

Types of Guitar: Steel-String Acoustic

There are two types of acoustic guitars: classical and steel-string. Classical guitars use nylon strings (as explained above) and steel-string guitars are self-explanatory.

Types of acoustic guitars

There are three main body types for steel-string acoustic guitars: dreadnought, parlour, and jumbo. There are other variations and shapes outside of these three, but they’re the most popular.

Travel guitars are also becoming popular and are great for guitarists with small hands. Find out more about travel guitars here and tips for guitarists with small hands here.

The most popular body type is a ‘Dreadnought’, but the right body type depends on what feels comfortable to you. Ed Sheeran is well known for playing reduced-size acoustic guitars (similar to the above travel guitar), so you have plenty of choice on what type you want.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Steel-String Acoustic Guitars?

Steel-string acoustic guitars have a brighter tone when compared to classical guitars.

This brighter tone makes them the popular choice for styles of music including folk, country, blues, pop, rock, bluegrass, and others.

Can Beginners Play Steel-String Acoustic Guitars?

Beginners can successfully learn on steel-string acoustic guitars. While the steel strings do require more pressure with your fingers, a good guitar teacher will know how to properly introduce you to the guitar and build up your finger strength.

Steel-string acoustic guitars are harder to learn on when compared to classical guitars or electric guitars. But if the music you want to play is played on steel-string acoustic guitars, you won’t be happy with a classical guitar.

Types of Guitar: Electro-Acoustic

An ‘electro-acoustic’ guitar or an ‘acoustic-electric’ is simply an acoustic guitar that you can plug into an amplifier or a mixing board.

They look almost identical to a normal acoustic guitar apart from two added features:

Electro-acoustic guitars

An electro-acoustic guitar has a jack where you can plug it in, and a control panel where you can adjust the volume, EQ, insert the battery, and sometimes it includes an inbuilt tuner.

The main point to remember with electro-acoustic guitars is that that’s the only difference. You can plug them in when you want, but you can still play them as a regular unplugged acoustic.

You can buy classical guitars as electro-acoustics or steel-string guitars as electro-acoustics.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Electro-Acoustic Guitars?

You could argue that you can play more styles of music on an electro-acoustic guitar compared to a regular acoustic guitar.

Being able to plug your acoustic guitar into an amp means you can add effects and set up different tones that are normally impossible to play with an acoustic.

In this guide, you can hear guitar effects used on acoustic guitar. The effects can enhance your tone or completely change the feel and vibe of what you are playing.

If you plan on performing live in the future, being able to plug an acoustic guitar in to an amp or pedalboard gives you great control over your tone.

Check out this guide for essential pedals for acoustic guitarists. The guide includes pedalboard examples suitable for acoustic guitarists.[photo of acoustic guitarist plugged in]

If you like the idea of playing with a looper pedal or performing live, I highly recommend getting an electro-acoustic guitar instead of a normal acoustic guitar.

Can Beginners Play Electro-Acoustic Guitars?

Electro-acoustic guitars feel exactly the same to play as normal acoustic guitars.

This means you can choose either a classical guitar or a steel-string guitar to buy as an electro-acoustic guitar.

Types of Guitar: Hollowbody & Semi-Hollow

Hollowbody and semi-hollow guitars (also known as semi-acoustic) are electric guitars with a hollowed-out body.

Hollow body guitars

The difference between a hollowbody and a semi-hollow guitar can be seen in the internal cavity of the guitar’s body.

Hollowed out guitar body

A semi-hollow guitar usually has a block of wood running through the body under the pickups and bridge as shown above. A hollowbody guitar doesn’t have this block.

Hollowbody guitars are very susceptible to feedback and don’t work very well with high output pickups and amplifiers. Semi-hollow guitars greatly reduce feedback issues while keeping the unique tone of a hollowbody.

When you play one of these guitars unplugged, it produces an acoustic-like tone. Nowhere as loud or as clear as an actual acoustic, but it is noticeably louder than a solid-body electric guitar.

When a semi-hollow guitar is plugged in, you get a tone that sounds somewhere between a regular electric guitar and an acoustic guitar. The tone is closer to electric than acoustic, but you can hear it has an acoustic quality to it.

The tone is mellow and has a unique resonance that you don’t hear in solid-body electric guitars.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Hollowbody or Semi-Hollow Guitars?

You can probably guess what styles of music are popular on these type of guitars from the vintage look.

Hollowbody guitars were the rage in the 30s-50s and semi-hollow guitars were popular right after that as amplifiers became available to guitarists.

Old blues, jazz, early rock-n-roll, rockabilly, and similar styles all commonly use semi-hollow guitars.

Can Beginners Play Hollowbody or Semi-Hollow Guitars?

A hollowbody or a semi-hollow guitar feels very similar to a regular electric guitar.

Some beginners will find these types of guitars easy to play on, while others may have trouble with the large body.

Types of Guitar: Electric

Electric guitars are a versatile type of guitar that comes in many different shapes and sizes.

Types of electric guitars

The above guitars only scratch the surface on what is possible with electric guitars.

The type of hardware used on electric guitars can be significantly different from one guitar to the next. This means every electric guitar feels different to play and can do different things.

To get an idea of the type of hardware used on different guitars, check out this Guide to Parts of the Guitar. It will teach you everything you need to know about the different parts of acoustic as well as electric guitars.

Not only can you have significantly different shapes and designs on electric guitars, but the tones produced by different electric guitars can be worlds apart.

While acoustic guitars are all similar in tone, electric guitars offer a wide range of tonal options. You can even get electric guitars with piezo pickups that make your guitar sound like an acoustic.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Electric Guitars?

Electric guitars have been used in pretty much all styles of music at some point. They’re the go-to option in countless styles of music such as rock, metal, blues, punk, and more. It’s hard to imagine a heavy metal or rock band not using electric guitars.

There are two reasons why electric guitars can be used in almost any music style.

The first is the different tonal options in the guitars. The type of guitar and the pickups in the guitar all change the tone you hear. You can even install different pickups to access different tones.

The second is the gear you can plug an electric guitar into. There are many types of amps that all shape your guitar tone in different ways. You can go from a vintage blues tone to a modern metal tone by flicking a switch on an amp.

You can also use pedals to shape your tone in different ways. My Guitar Effects Course spends the entire first part showing you how to use a wide range of different effects, then the second part looking at how to create different tones using pedals and amps. That’s how versatile electric guitars can be.

Can Beginners Play Electric Guitars?

Beginners tend to find it easy to start learning on an electric guitar. While some electric guitars are harder to play than others, the string tension is generally lower than what it is on a steel-string acoustic guitar.

If you like the sounds an electric guitar can produce and you want to play music that is usually played on an electric guitar, it is highly recommended you start learning on an electric guitar.

If you want to play music that is usually played on an acoustic guitar, don’t start off on an electric guitar just because it might be easier to start on. Pick the type of guitar that suits the style of music you want to play.

Types of Guitar: Resonator

Resonators are a strange type of guitar that you may not see very often (depending on the style of music you listen to).

They’re basically acoustic guitars with a metal cone in place of where the soundhole normally sits.

Resonator guitars

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Resonator Guitars?

Resonators are typically used in bluegrass, country, Hawaiian, blues, and jazz music.

There are different models with different types of cones that are better suited to different styles of music.

A lot of resonator guitarists use a slide, but you can play a resonator as you would play a normal guitar.

Can Beginners Play Resonator Guitars?

Resonators can be harder to learn at first, but it depends on what style of music you want to play.

The high action height (find out what action height is here and why it’s important) and string tension can be an issue for some beginners.

Types of Guitar: 12-String Guitars

12-sting guitars can come in acoustic or electric types and are very similar to play as a regular 6-string guitar.

Types of 12 string guitars

The idea behind 12-string guitars is that instead of having six strings, you double up each string. So you end up with six pairs of strings as shown below:

12 String Guitar Strings

If you’re interested in how 12-string guitars are tuned, read this guide. If you already know how to play guitar, a quick read of that guide will explain how you can play a 12-string guitar.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on a 12-String Guitars?

12-string guitars were extremely popular in the 60s and 70s, but they’re still used today.

A 12-string guitar has a very distinctive sound. Once you learn to recognize it, it will stand out in any song that uses one.

Can Beginners Play 12-String Guitars?

12-string guitars require a lot of finger pressure to properly fret the notes. You need to press down hard enough for two strings to make contact with the fret under each finger, so it is harder to play than a regular 6-string guitar.

If you’re interested in learning how to play a 12-string guitar, start with a regular 6-string guitar (acoustic or electric). Once you build up your finger strength, you can work your way to playing a 12-string guitar.

Types of Guitar: Extended-Range Electric

7-string guitars have existed for a long time, but started to become popular in the 90s.

Today, you can find a wide range of 7, 8 and 9 string guitars (mostly electric) from many brands.

Extended range guitars

These extended-range guitars provide guitarists with the freedom to play anything you can play on a normal six-string guitar as well as lower notes that can reach as low as bass guitar notes.

Note: you may notice that a lot of extended range guitars have slanted frets. These are called ‘fanned’ frets or multi-scale guitars. Fanned frets are also available on 6-string guitars, but very common on extended range guitars.

What Styles of Music Can You Play on Extended-Range Guitars?

You can technically play any style of music on an extended range guitar. An extended range guitar simply adds additional strings, so you can play anything on it that you would normally play on a six-string guitar.

But extended range guitars tend to be used by guitarists who play heavy styles of music, as well as technical styles such as progressive metal.

Many styles of music don’t really benefit from the lower range possible on an 8 or 9 string guitar, but there are plenty of guitarists using them in styles of music you wouldn’t expect.

To hear examples of seven-string guitars in action, check out this Guide on Seven String Songs to Learn.

Can Beginners Play Extended-Range Guitars?

Many beginners will struggle at first with playing an extended-range guitar. The extra strings require a wider fretboard, which can be awkward for a beginner to reach around.

Published by Info

I have several different websites on the topic of music and entertainment. Each website has its own interest and drives people with the same interests to those websites. I have been doing marketing for well over 30 years.

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